Eat-Q Test: State Fare
Can you match each state to the food or drink that originated there? Test your knowledge about iconic dishes and drinks with this matching quiz from the June/July 2011 issue of JBF Notes. Once you think you've got them solved, click through for the answers and your Eat-Q score.
1. Georgia
2. Rhode Island
3. Kentucky
4. Pennsylvania
5. Wisconsin
6. Nebraska
7. Utah
8. South Dakota
9. Virginia
10. Hawaii
A. Cheese curds, springy bits of fresh cheese, often cheddar
B. Burgoo, a spicy brown meat and vegetable stew
C. Kool-Aid, a powdered soft-drink mix
D. Pastrami Burgers, a cheeseburger topped with a quarter pound of sliced pastrami and Thousand Island dressing
E. Coffee Milk, a drink similar to chocolate milk but with coffee syrup instead of chocolate syrup
F. Kuchen, a German-style coffeecake
G. Shoofly Pie, an Amish-style molasses pie
H. Loco Moco, a bowl of white rice topped with a hamburger patty, fried egg and gravy
I. Grits, coarsely ground corn cooked into a porridge
J. Brunswick Stew, a thick tomato-based stew with beans and meat