Legacy Network FAQs

FAQs for Legacy Network

1. Is there a fee to apply for the program?
There are no fees to apply or participate in the program.
2. If I’m accepted to the program, will I be compensated for my participation?
The Legacy Network is not a paid program. Advisees will receive access to various network opportunities. The advisors will receive a small stipend as compensation for their time and services.
3. I am a resident/citizen of the United States. Can I still apply for the program if I am currently abroad?

The program is predominately virtual; however, parts of the program may include travel within the United States. Legacy applicants must currently reside in and have a valid mailing address for the United States and territories to be eligible for the program.

4. What’s the time commitment for the program?
The Legacy Network begins mid-September 2024 and runs until March 2025. Legacy Network participants are required to attend all scheduled virtual meetings on Sunday, Mondays, and Tuesdays averaging three hours per month over the course of seven months. Advisees also commit to serve as a Legacy Network advisor five years after completing their Legacy program.

5. When will applications be open?
Applications open on Thursday, June 17, 2024, at 12:00 P.M. ET.

6. When will applicants be notified?
Applicant notifications vary based upon your application type. All applicants will be notified of their application status no later than September 1.

7. Is there a deadline to apply?The deadline to apply for Advisor and Advisee opportunities is Monday July 15, 2024, by 11:59 P.M. ET. Please note, there are two different applications, so be sure to select and submit the application applicable to you!

8. What will the application process entail?
The online application requires a resume, two headshot photos, two letters of recommendation (Advisees only), and one video essay submission.

9. Who is eligible to apply?
The Legacy Network is open to all BIPOC; Black/African American and Indigenous heritage candidates will be prioritized.
• Advisee applicants must be at least 18 years old and Advisors at least 21 years old.
• All applicants must have a valid mailing address in the United States and territories.

10. I’m not eligible for the Legacy Program, but I’m interested in similar programs. What are my options?
Check out our Chef’s Bootcamp, and Women’s Entrepreneurship Leadership (WEL) on our Programs page. 

11. How can I secure recommendations for the application?
Recommendations are best secured by individuals you have worked with in a professional capacity, such as a former/current instructor, educator, or mentor. The people you’ve identified as your reference should be able to confidently formalize your professional relationship and experience in the culinary industry. All recommendations should be placed on a letterhead and include the reference(s)' contact information. Please note, the Legacy team may contact your references for verification.


For questions or concerns with the online application, please reach out to legacy@jamesbeard.org for assistance.