Sobriety, Mental Health, and Well-being Resources and Reading

These are incredibly difficult times. People across our community are struggling not just financially, but also physically and emotionally.

We wanted to highlight organizations, groups, and resources that are working widely as well as specifically within the food community on issues around sobriety and mental health. 

The below list is not complete or comprehensive. If you are aware of any resources for mental health and/or sobriety that are not listed here, particularly those that can be accessed online, let us know by emailing

The James Beard Foundation does not provide medical advice of any nature, specific or general, nor the suggestion of any diagnosis or treatment, nor the endorsement of any organization or method mentioned herein. Nothing herein is intended to or should serve as a substitute for the knowledge, skill, and judgment of qualified psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians, and healthcare professionals.

If you or someone you know is in danger or needs immediate assistance please call 911 or the following numbers.

  • Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
  • Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741

From the James Beard Foundation

Substance Abuse, Addiction, & Sobriety

Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) and Narcotics Anonymous (N.A.) are both national organizations supporting those in recovery. A.A. is offering members digital meetings in response to coronavirus pandemic.

Ben’s Friends is the food and beverage industry support group offering hope, fellowship, and a path forward to professionals who struggle with substance abuse and addiction. They are hosting daily meetings at 1:00 pm Eastern Time on Zoom.

SMART Recovery is an abstinence-based international organization that uses a cognitive behavioral therapy tool kit. It has a directory of online meetings.

Women for Sobriety is dedicated to helping women recover from substance use disorders, with online gatherings.

In the Rooms hosts over 130 live video meetings every week offering support with a variety of approaches to different substance-use disorders.

SoberGrid is a large mobile sober-support community with peer counseling. It offers free personalized resources for tracking and sharing progress with others, giving and receiving support, and now has 24/7 live peer coaching.

Alcohol Rehab Help is an informational web guide created for people struggling with alcohol use disorders (AUD) and co-occurring mental health disorders.

Addiction Group offers various treatment options for those struggling with a substance use disorder (SUD) or alcohol use disorder (AUD). 

AlcoholHelp is an organization that provides extensive and reliable information regarding alcohol. The website explains the different types of treatment available to help individuals find the most successful path to sobriety. 

The Palm Beach Institute put together a guide to understanding addiction relapse during COVID-19 and tips for remaining sober.

American Addiction Centers is a leading provider of innovative addiction treatment in the United States. They host free virtual 12-Step support meetings each week and created a State-Funded Rehab Centers guide which helps people find free state-funded rehab centers and treatment options near them.

Addiction Rehab Treatment is a service for people seeking addiction treatment, practices, and facilities. The organization created a resource page on depression in relation to addiction to further educate people who may be struggling.

Online Help to Stay Sober During a Pandemic [New York Times]

The Food & Wine Pro Guide to Mental Health and Sobriety Resources [Food & Wine Pro

Finding Employment In Recovery From Addiction: A Step-By-Step Guide [ARK Behavioral Health]

Mental Health & Wellbeing 

Chefs With Issues is a website built by writer Kat Kinsman. On this site, people involved in the industry can share their stories and resources for dealing with the particular pressures of restaurant life, so that others may feel less alone. Chefs With Issues also has a Facebook group you can apply to join.

Patrick and Bobbin Mulvaney, of Mulvaney’s B & L, working with the Innovation Learning Network and four major healthcare systems in Sacramento, started I Got Your Back (IGYB) as an initiative to address broader mental health concerns. IGYB has a confidential crisis support line open 24/7.

Crisis Text Line is a United States not-for-profit organization providing free crisis intervention via SMS message. The organization’s services are available 24/7, throughout the U.S., by texting 741741. It is available internationally via their Facebook page.

NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. They have a newsletter, various articles, and discussion groups. 

The Lovett Center is offering complimentary clinician-led virtual support groups specifically for food and beverage industry members through April 30. Participation is limited to 10 people per group, and sessions will take place on Mondays at 2:30 P.M. and Thursdays at 4:00 P.M. CDT. Attendees must register online.

Open Path Psychotherapy Collective is a nonprofit nationwide network of mental health professionals dedicated to providing in-office mental health care—at a steeply reduced rate—to individuals, couples, children, and families in need.

Not 9 to 5 is a non-profit organization empowering hospitality, food and beverage service workers by mobilizing education and support for mental health and substance use. Not 9 to 5 promotes harm reduction practices and helps to connect the hospitality workforce to mental wellness resources.

7 Cups is an on-demand emotional health service and online therapy provider. Anyone who wants to talk about whatever is on their mind can quickly reach out to a trained, compassionate listener through this network. 

For the Frontlines is offering fast, free, and 24/7 crisis counseling for essential workers who are showing up on the frontlines during the coronavirus pandemic. Text FRONTLINE for support to dealing with anxiety, stress, fear, isolation, or other difficult emotions you are experiencing during coronavirus.

Healthy Hospo provides information, advice, support, and training on all aspects of mental and physical health.

Headspace offers free meditation content both via the app and online.

Care App released free online meditations, sleep stories, music and more, hand-picked to support mental and emotional wellness through this time. 

Crisis Text Line provides free 24/7 support at your fingertips. Text HOME to 741741 to connect with a Crisis Counselor.

Help Advisor  provides spanish-language governmental (federal and for every state), educational, and other external resources about mental health and where to find help.

Live Another Day has extensive information on mental health and substance use resources for people of color. Their mission is equal access to life-saving resources. 

Detox Local has an extensive list of mental health and substance use resources specifically for the AAPI (American Asian and Pacific Islander) community.

Coronavirus: Mental Health Coping Strategies [National Alliance on Mental Illness]

Coping with the coronavirus pandemic for people with anxiety disorder [Harvard Health]

Taking Care of Your Mental Health in the Face of Uncertainty [American Foundation for Suicide Prevention]

Telehealth and Online Mental Health Resources During COVID-19 Pandemic [Sunshine Behavioral Health] 

Taking Care of Mental Health at Home After Coronavirus [Top Nurse] 

Work anxiety in the 'new normal' - signs, symptoms and how to manage it [Marlee] 

Disclosing a Mental Healthy Condition at Work [Online Counseling Programs]

Page last updated 11/08/21.