Several years after the threat of “colony collapse” to honeybee populations, today’s beekeepers are more concerned about small, persistent hive decimation than mass colony deaths. [NY Times]
Ocean acidification, an effect of climate change, could cause oyster prices to skyrocket as shellfish farms are forced inland. [Grist]
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have announced that almost ninety percent of school-aged children are getting too much salt in their diets. [Huffington Post]
American and European representatives debate chlorinated chicken in negotiations over the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, which would create the largest free-trade zone in the world. [NPR]
Don’t forget your canvas tote: California becomes the first state in the U.S. to ban single-use plastic bags. [Treehugger]
Aquaponics could help to provide food security, employment opportunities and economic growth for people living in developing countries. [The Guardian]